GuestSnap FAQ

GuestSnap FAQ

Here are frequently asked questions about GuestSnap. If you don't see an answer please send us a message.

Event and guests

Event and guests

How do guests upload their photos & videos?

How much storage do I get per guest?

Can guests download photos & videos from the gallery?

Can guests edit or delete their uploads?

Is there a limit to the number of photos or videos guests can upload?

What is the time frame for guests to upload their photos and videos?

How do I locate the GuestSnap event I recently attended?

Can guests view the gallery during the event?

How do guests upload their photos & videos?

How much storage do I get per guest?

Can guests download photos & videos from the gallery?

Can guests edit or delete their uploads?

Is there a limit to the number of photos or videos guests can upload?

What is the time frame for guests to upload their photos and videos?

How do I locate the GuestSnap event I recently attended?

Can guests view the gallery during the event?

How do guests upload their photos & videos?

How much storage do I get per guest?

Can guests download photos & videos from the gallery?

Can guests edit or delete their uploads?

Is there a limit to the number of photos or videos guests can upload?

What is the time frame for guests to upload their photos and videos?

How do I locate the GuestSnap event I recently attended?

Can guests view the gallery during the event?



Are my photos sold or used in any way?

Can I upgrade my GuestSnap package?

Can I purchase GuestSnap as a gift for someone?

Why does it take a moment for my photo or video to upload after I hit 'Add' on my iPhone?

Are my photos sold or used in any way?

Can I upgrade my GuestSnap package?

Can I purchase GuestSnap as a gift for someone?

Why does it take a moment for my photo or video to upload after I hit 'Add' on my iPhone?

Are my photos sold or used in any way?

Can I upgrade my GuestSnap package?

Can I purchase GuestSnap as a gift for someone?

Why does it take a moment for my photo or video to upload after I hit 'Add' on my iPhone?

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